Monday 7 May 2012

Ian Walton

Within school I had the opportunity to take part in a one day workshop delivered by the British artist Ian Walton. Similar to Sarah Hanson, Ian Walton is an artist interested in layering and surface. Ian’s work can be characterised by a very experimental approach to the use of a range of media and techniques. His work suggests decay and the erosion of memory through his use of materials, texture, image and object. The images below, although at first glance appear very abstract may hold particularly meanings. One theme which runs throughout allot his work, is the decay and erosion of nature shown below by his use of dead flowers and insects. This use of seemingly vile and disgusting materials is what helps create the contrast between what looks very beautiful but is actually constructed of dead bugs. This possibly captures the beauty which these insects once were.    

These artworks were created in the workshop:

Like Sarah Hanson’s illustrations I have used mixed media to create these pieces of work. As well as the piece representing a past journey and the experiences associate with it, the process in which the work was produced holds particular relevance to journeys. Building on the knowledge from my experiments with Sarah Hanson responses, these pieces where fairly easy to produce and followed a similar approach to that of my Reponses to Hanson’s work.

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